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I. Rules and Exceptions
A. All games will be played under High School rules.
B. Exceptions and clarifications to High School rules
10 ft hoops 3-4th grade divisions 28.5 inch ball.
8 ft hoops K-2nd grade divisions and 28.5 inch ball.
Tournament - Players can play on multiple teams in same division. We just don't want gold players playing in silver divison if the are one of the best players.
K-4th grade division's there will be two - 16 minute half’s – running clock until the last minute of the first half and the last 2 minutes of the second half. Clock stops on all time outs.
Two shots on the 10th team foul.
Three Time-Outs per game and one additional time-out in overtime.
Each player is allowed six personal fouls.
Overtime is first team to score any points.
Head coach, not an assistant, may request a time out, but the time out is granted only when a referee acknowledges the request.
During free throws, players cannot enter the free throw lane/circle until ball leaves the shooters hand.
Exception: for K-4th divisions, the free throw shooter must start behind free throw line and can “drift” over the foul line, but cannot rush down the lane for rebound.
Teams may begin the game with four players, but the opponent can still play with five.
II. Game Management Notes
A. Referees will use abbreviated mechanics to keep the game moving.
B. Substitutes will be beckoned into the game by referees. Substitutes will report to scorer’s table or a designated spot at half-court.
C. Taunting, profanity and “trash” talking will not be tolerated. Referees are not required to warn a player or coach before assessing a technical foul.
D. Fighting (includes pushing, kicking, etc.) is an automatic ejection and 1 game suspension. Second ejection for fighting is an automatic suspension from the league.
E. Pressing and other defensive restrictions.
1. All K–3rd grade divisions: No Zone Defense and No pressing until last 2 minutes of the game. Teams can double team, switch, play help side or trap. It just has to be man to man principles.
4th grade No Zone Defense. You can press at anytime but it has to be man to man and you can trap. Teams can double team, switch, play help side or trap.
2. All divisions: No pressing by a team with a lead of 15 points or more.
F. Half-Time: All grade levels have a Three minute half-time.
G. All players must wear team color shirts with numbers on the back. Any color shorts may be worn. Shirts must be tucked in and short must be pulled up to the waist.
H. Gym supervisors will mediate all situations outside the authority of the game referees.
III. Coach’s Responsibilities
A. Coaches must supervise their team members before, during and after the game.
B. Coaches should supply basic first aid supplies, towels, ice, etc.
C. Coaches are to bring basketballs for warm-ups and games.
F. Coaches are to complete the score sheet with jersey numbers at the Score table prior to the game.
G. Please clean up your bench area during and after the game.
H. Remind parents (spectators) to supervise all children while in the gym area.

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